How Do You Increase Your Email Open Rates?

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    B2C Brief

    How Do You Increase Your Email Open Rates?

    To help you boost your email open rates, we asked marketing managers and consultants for their top strategies. From optimizing elements with A/B testing to using engaging preview text, here are the six best email marketing tips these experts shared.

    • Optimize Elements with A/B Testing
    • Regularly Clean Your Email List
    • Craft Compelling, Personalized Subject Lines
    • Test Various Send Times
    • Leverage the Power of Storytelling
    • Use Engaging Preview Text

    Optimize Elements with A/B Testing

    Use A/B testing to optimize the elements that impact email open rates: subject line, from email, and send time. Test out each one individually to see what your audience responds best to. This takes time and intentional focus, but it helps you know your audience better and allows you to send emails when and how they prefer. We've helped clients improve their email open rates consistently by figuring out which day their list looks at emails and whether or not they're drawn to emojis in the subject line.

    Robert Carnes
    Robert CarnesMarketing Manager, GreenMellen

    Regularly Clean Your Email List

    Regularly cleaning your email list is crucial—and often overlooked—for maintaining high open rates. By removing inactive subscribers and updating outdated email addresses, you ensure your campaigns reach an engaged audience. This practice not only improves deliverability but also provides more accurate metrics for your marketing efforts. A cleaner list leads to better engagement rates, which in turn can positively impact your sender reputation and inbox placement. Consider implementing a quarterly list-hygiene process to keep your database fresh and responsive.

    And a bonus tip: Don't hesitate to A/B test your subject lines and resend campaigns to non-openers with a fresh angle. This approach gives you a second chance to capture attention and can significantly boost your overall open rates without irritating your most engaged subscribers. Remember, a smaller, more engaged list is far more valuable than a large, unresponsive one.

    Michelle Merz
    Michelle MerzMarketing Consultant, Silience and Sonder

    Craft Compelling, Personalized Subject Lines

    One effective tip for increasing open rates in email marketing is to focus on crafting compelling and personalized subject lines. The subject line is the first thing your audience sees, and it plays a crucial role in whether they decide to open the email or not. Personalization goes beyond just including the recipient's name; it involves understanding their preferences, behaviors, and needs, and then crafting a subject line that speaks directly to those factors.

    For example, at Rail Trip Strategies, we noticed a significant improvement in open rates when we started using subject lines that addressed specific pain points or offered solutions tailored to the recipient's industry. Instead of generic subject lines like 'Check out our latest services,' we switched to more targeted ones like 'Struggling with lead generation? Here’s a strategy that works for digital agencies.' This approach made the emails feel more relevant and valuable to the recipients, leading to higher engagement.

    In addition to personalization, creating a sense of urgency or curiosity can also be effective. Phrases like 'Don’t miss out on this opportunity' or 'Here’s what you need to know before your next campaign' can encourage recipients to open the email to find out more. However, it's important to strike a balance and avoid clickbait tactics that might lead to distrust.

    Testing different subject lines through A/B testing is also crucial. By analyzing which subject lines perform better, you can continuously refine your approach and discover what resonates most with your audience. This data-driven strategy ensures that your emails are not only opened but also engaged with, ultimately driving better results for your campaigns.

    Reed Daniels
    Reed DanielsOwner, Rail Trip Strategies

    Test Various Send Times

    To increase open rates, be sure to test various send times. If you send emails out at the same time each week, maybe it's time to shake it up. When is your audience most likely going to open your email? First thing when they wake up? Are you sending a lunchtime coupon-deal email right at noon? Is there a certain day of the week that makes the most sense? It's important to use trial and error to discover what works to get your email the most opens!

    Nicole Denson
    Nicole DensonMarketing Manager, Big Leap

    Leverage the Power of Storytelling

    As the founder of a startup, I'm always looking for ways to increase email open rates and build brand awareness. The one tip I would give is to leverage the power of storytelling. Share experiences of how your product or service has impacted real customers. People connect with stories, not sales pitches.

    For example, early on I would share stories of the first schools we worked with and how our technology allowed them to honor alumni and athletes in a modern way. These stories resonated because people could envision using our product. They weren't generic marketing emails; they were authentic stories of our journey as a company.

    You can also share stories of small wins and milestones to build a personal connection with your audience. I've found being transparent in this way leads to higher open and click-through rates. People want to support companies they have a genuine connection with. Storytelling is the best way to forge that connection through email marketing.

    Chase Mckee
    Chase MckeeFounder & CEO, Rocket Alumni Solutions

    Use Engaging Preview Text

    Catchy subject lines are just the start—your preview text is equally crucial in driving action. Think of it as a second chance to grab your audience's attention and persuade them to open your email. While a strong subject line might not always be enough, a cleverly-crafted preview text can add that extra spark, using playful language to entice readers and boost your open rates.

    Kyle Turk
    Kyle TurkCEO, Meerkat Marketing